Episode 39 - Marion Schmidt - “Freedom”
Photo Credit: Dox Box
[Image Description: B&W photo. Marion is a white woman with curly shoulder-length hair. She is pictured from the chest up. She wears a necklace and a top with spaghetti straps. She smiles.]
In this episode, I speak with doc industry professional, Marion Schmidt. During our conversation, we chat about how she got into docs, her time in Egpyt during the Arab Spring, and her founding of Dox Box and the initiative, the International Documentary Convention. We also chat about the organization she co-founded with past guest Brigid O’Shea, the Documentary Association of Europe. Because the Documentary Association of Europe is about opening doors and breaking chains, this epsode’’s song is Freedom by Andreya Triana, Our conversation was recorded in January 2022.
Episode 20 - Victoria Thomas - “Survivor”
[Image Description: Victoria is pictured from the torso up and sits in front of a starry, black background that is just out of focus. Her hair is slightly longer than shoulder length. She wears a red and black blouse and red lipstick. She smiles at the camera.]
In this episode, I speak with filmmaker and educator Victoria Thomas. In our conversation, we chat about her latest project, Born in New York, Raised in Paris, her teaching at the London Film School, the production company she founded, the Polkadot Factory, and the challenges of navigating a documentary and narrative film industry rooted in a white supremacist work culture that is resistant to change. Because just like many Black women, Victoria finds being in these spaces can be taxing and exhausting, to say the least, this episode’s song is Destiny Chid’s “Survivor.”