Episode 25 - Matt Lauterbach, Grishma Shah, & Reveca Torres - “My Future”
Photo Credit: Ryan Gleeson
[Image Description: Matt is pictured from the chest up. He wears a plaid, white, tan, and black shirt over a black t-shirt and glasses. His hair, mustache, and beard, closely cropped. He stands against a brick and cement wall.]
In this episode, I speak with Matt Lauterbach, Grishma Shah, and Reveca Torres of All Senses Go. During our conversation, we chat about how their work with organizations and content creators ensures that media that is created is accessible for all, the accessibility changes the team would like to become the norm as we move into a post-Covid world, and how people with disabilities and their co-conspirators can work together effectively to make lasting, sustainable change that benefits us all. Because organizations like All Senses Go and others disrupt the notion that those who are labeled not mainstream need to seek outside validation, this episode’s song is Billie Eilish’s self-acceptance and self-love anthem, “My Future.”

Episode 19 - Lindsey Dryden & Day Al-Mohamed - “Say My Name”
Photo Credit: Rachel Ellis
[Image Description: B&W photo. Day is pictured from the torso up. She sits on the ground with her dog, a light-colored Labrador retriever named Veni. Day has a pair of sunglasses on top of her head and wears a denim-like jacket over a dark-colored top. She wears a metal necklace as she looks at the camera.]
Photo Credit: Jo Irvine
[B&W photo. Lindsey is pictured from the chest up smiling with her body turned slightly as she faces the camera. She stands in an open field, her hair blowing in the wind. She wears a dark velvet-like top.]
In this episode, I speak with filmmaker Lindsey Dryden and filmmaker, novelist, and podcaster, Day Al-Mohamed. In our conversation, we chat about Day’s advocacy work in Washington, D.C., Lindsey’s work as a producer of the film Unrest, and the organization they co-founded with the Oscar-nominated director of Crip Camp, Jim Lebrecht and Alysa Nahmias, FWD-Doc. FWD-Doc is committed to empowering filmmakers with disabilities and part of that advocacy is being bold saying the words “disability” and “disabled.” With that said and the spirit of naming what is, is, this week’s song is Destiny Child’s “Say My Name.”